This tutorial of Zekr installation has been done on Peppermint Linux 10, and it will explains how to install Zekr on Ubuntu Based Distros and configure a good font for it. You will need to download the Zekr program itself, install Java on your system then, and finally install Zekr correctly. And, I suggest you here to use Amiri Quran or Simplified Naskh font with Zekr because I find it's the best for now. Don't worry, although Zekr is not present anymore in the Bionic repository, we still can install it manually by these instructions. Have a good reading!

1. Install Java

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
$ apt install oracle-java8-set-default

Make sure that you have installed the correct version of it:
$ java -version
$ javac -version

2. Install Zekr Dependecies

$ sudo apt install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 libjlayer-java libbasicplayer-java libcommons-codec-java libcommons-configuration-java libtritonus-java libcommons-io-java liblucene2-java libswt-gtk-3-java libswt-webkit-gtk-3-jni libswt-cairo-gtk-3-jni ttf-freefarsi

3. Download and Install Zekr 

Get Zekr program package either it's 32 bit or 64 bit from Zekr's Sourceforge page
After that extract zekr package and move it to your home directory :
$ tar -xf zekr-1.1.0-linux_64.tar.gz
$ mv zekr /home/userdirectory/.zekr
$ cd .zekr

You get a program named inside the .zekr/ folder
$ chmod +x

Run the program by the command:  

$ ./

If you have successfully run Zekr, and the window is really showing, then put Zekr into your menu.

4. Create a Desktop launchers

A “.desktop” file is basically a simple text file that holds information about a program. It is usually placed in “~/.local/share/applications” or “/usr/share/applications/” depending whether you want the launcher to be accessible only for local account or for everyone. If you navigate to either directory in your File manager, you will see quite a few “.desktop” files that correspond to the installed apps on your computer.
$ sudo touch /usr/share/applications/zekr.desktop
$ sudo nano /usr/share/applications/zekr.desktop

[Desktop Entry]

In some cases, you won’t see the “Run” option in the menu. This is often because the executable is a text file. You can get around this by executing it via the terminal or, if you use GNOME, click the Files menu in the top bar, and select “Preferences”.

Select the “Behavior” tab and choose the “Run them” option under “Executable Text Files”. Now the “Run” option should appear when you right-click the executable text file.

5. Change Zekr's Font

I recommend you to use Amiri Quran (or anything from Amiri Font) 23 pt or Simplified Naskh although you find Zekr's website recommends me_quran and another website recommends KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh. Amiri is a free (libre) font licensed under Open Font License from Amiri Project. Thanks to brother Khaled Hosny for creating this really awesome font (may Allah bless you, Brother). However, Kubuntu users do not need to download it anymore because it has been preinstalled on Kubuntu 18.04.

Download Amiri font package and install all the .ttf files:

Change the font:
On the Zekr window, go to menu Tools > Options > View > select the quran_fontName variable > press Space bar > type the name of the font "Amiri Quran" anyway, separated with a comma > press Apply > press OK > right-click on the sura > Reload.

Source's :